Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 10

This week we spent our time working on passing off requirements and discussing parent night. I am SO excited to show all the parents what we're preparing and knock everyone's socks off! Here's a recap of what we decided:

The presentation will be in the style of a wax museum exhibit in which each scholar will dress as a different historical figure and recite a 1-minute quote/song/bio/etc., or any combination thereof. Mrs. Brennan and I will introduce the exhibit or be tour guides. At the conclusion of the presentation all the scholars will recite the beginning of the Declaration of Independence from memory ("When in the course" through "the pursuit of happiness"). Parts are listed below:
  • Dean - John Paul Jones
  • Ethan - Paul Revere
  • Leila - Abigail Adams
  • Lucy - A Pilgrim
  • Paige - Alexander Hamilton
  • Reina - Betsy Ross
  • Taylor - Thomas Jefferson
This week, in lieu of an opinion paper, you were asked to write your part for parent night. Remember that you need to speak for 1 full minute, so you may want to practice reading your part out loud to get your timing right. Please show what you've written to either me or Mrs. Brennan for review on Thursday.

Movie night last Friday turned into a bit of a fiasco, and I'm sorry for that. To make it up to all of you, I will hold a make-up movie night at my house this Thursday evening (12/8). Anyone who can attend can ride with me to my house directly after co-op on Thursday. We'll have dinner and watch April Morning. Your parents would need to pick you up from my house between 7 and 7:30. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be attending! Parents can text or call me at 253-254-9064 to respond and get my address.

Presentations: We heard some excellent presentations given by Taylor and Ethan last Thursday, and this week we will be pleased to hear from Paige on Tories, loyalists, Hessians and Red Coats

Memorization: This week you should be working on the Statement of "Wanting" to have the whole Declaration passed off by January 12th. Remember, you can pass it off one section at a time!

Reading: Keep working on Being George Washington by Glenn Beck so you can finish before January 5th. If you have finished, begin reading Freedom Factor by Gerald Lund, which we will be discussing on the first day of second semester, January 26th.

Devotional: I'm not sure if anyone was already assigned, so if not, Taylor, would you please bring an inspirational thought to share at the beginning of class this week?

Pray for snow this week, and we'll see you all Thursday!

-Mrs. Hellyer

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