Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 5

This week we learned about the powers of Congress. I think we counted 27 separate express powers that are spelled out in Article 1 Section 8. The last power we listed is an implied power and it comprises the "necessary and proper clause" a.k.a. the "elastic clause," which basically gives Congress power to make any laws that they deem necessary to accomplish the provisions of the Constitution...sort of a "just in case we forgot anything, this should cover it" clause. Anyway, you'll want to get really familiar with these for the Constitution Bowl, which, by the way, we are working on in cooperation with FILAP to bring in the true spirit of competition! Oooh, I can't wait!

*(I know this is a little off-topic, but Sister Miller reminded me of this great video (posted below)about the Declaration of Independence. Some of you have already seen it, but if you haven't, enjoy!)

Opinion Paper - Does Congress have too much power or not enough?
Constitution Journal - Articles 3 and 4
Reading - Finish Fifty Five Fathers for our book discussion on Thursday, which will be led by Paige. Remember, there will be scrumptious treats for those who finish the book!
News - Be prepared to share what you've heard this week; take some notes if you need help remembering the details. "I heard about this guy that lost something, and he got arrested or something." Hmmm...doesn't sound very informative!
Hero Reports - I still need names of Heroes from Ethan and Paige. Remember your hero has to be someone who promoted the principles of freedom and liberty at any time or place in history.
Devotional - I think it's Lucy's turn this week...
Award Requirements - Don't forget to be working on your award requirements! Memorize those scripture references, and the preamble...a little at a time goes a long way! 
***Check back to Week 3 for important dates to remember***
Have a great weekend! -Mrs. Hellyer

Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 4

This week we discussed the legislative process, or how a bill becomes a law. I've attached the Crash Course Government video that we watched in class in case you would like to review it and refresh your memories. (The more simplified, Schoolhouse Rock video is below this one in a separate post, because I didn't know how to get both videos on the same post, sorry!) We also got to practice parliamentary procedure by making snack mix--a SUPER fun and yummy way to learn about something that is otherwise pretty boring!

Opinion Paper - What powers do YOU have in making new laws?
Constitution Journal - Article 2 (yes, the whole thing!)
Hero Report - You all need to decide THIS WEEK who you will be presenting and reporting on in April/May and report the name of that person to either me or Mrs. Brennan!
Reading - We will discuss Fifty Fathers on March 2nd, (instead of this week since you just got your books) with the discussion led by Paige.
Devotional - I would like Leila to provide the inspirational thought this week.
News - Don't forget to come to class ready to discuss a news story/current event that is relevant to liberty, the Constitution, or anything else we have learned about in class.
See the Week 3 post.
Enjoy the Presidents' Day holiday, everyone! -Mrs. Hellyer

Schoolhouse Rock: America - I'm Just a Bill Music Video

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Week 3

Here's a recap of what we learned about last week:

Charles Montesquieu outlined 3 species of government: Virtue, Honor, and Fear. Our founders believed that building a government founded on virtue was paramount, so they created a government with 3 equally powerful branches (legislative, executive, and judicial) with different stewardships, which in turn created a system of checks and balances to prevent any branch from becoming more powerful than the other 2. Time has shown, however, that this carefully orchestrated system is heavily dependent on the virtue of the people and the representatives they elect. When the executive branch begins usurping power through executive orders, the judicial branch begins practicing judicial activism by legislating from the bench, and the Congress does nothing to stop either one, we see the system of checks and balances go by the wayside, and the people lose their liberties. Fortunately, the founders were wise, and took precautions for such times, but we the people are the only ones who can restore the order of the original Constitution by exercising our unalienable rights and being virtuous ourselves.

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls would be necessary." -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 51

OPINION PAPER: Is it better to have a man of faith in office with a minimal education, or a man of knowledge with minimal faith and questionable character? Please use facts and examples to support your opinion!

NEWS DESK: Please be prepared to share a recent news story relevant to what we've been studying in class.

DEVOTIONAL: Taylor, will you please do the honors this week?

CONSTITUTION JOURNAL: Article 1, Sections 6-10.

READING: Since you didn't receive your Fifty Five Fathers books, yet, we will give you an extra week to complete the reading. The new deadline and book discussion date will be March 2nd, and Paige will be leading our discussion. There will also be treats for those who have read the book!

HERO REPORTS & PRESENTATIONS: Y'all are running out of time to sign up for your hero reports/presentations. I've only heard from Lucy on this, so the other 6 of you need to choose someone ASAP! Last day to sign up is February 23rd.

Dates to Remember:

March 24th - Air-soft gun battle. 10am, my house. Bring an air-soft weapon, eye protection, boots (my property is very swampy), and a sack lunch. Siblings 12 and up, and parents (dads, especially) are welcome to join in the mayhem. We'll have snacks and more fun than you can probably handle!

April 13th -
  • Thomas Jefferson's birthday! Leadership class is planning some special celebratory activities in honor of our great mentor, one of which is a Declaration of Independence reciting contest! Brush up on your memory of this document for the big day for a chance to win a prize!
  • Constitution Bowl! We will be combining with FILAP for our big competition! More details about the time and place are to come...
  • Hero Reports are due. A 2-4 page typed paper with bibliography attached. Any questions, please see me or Mrs. Brennan.
See you all tomorrow! -Mrs. H.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Week 2

Sorry to be so late with this post, but my internet connection has been crawling with all the snow. (Yes, I have limited internet where I live--sort of like dial-up, which none of you are old enough to remember.) I am going to brag, however, that we got an epic 13 inches of snow at my house, so I won't complain too much about the internet. Anyway, here's a brief rundown of assignments due Thursday:

  • Reading: Fifty Five Fathers if you have a copy. If you ordered yours at the beginning of the semester, you should be receiving it on Thursday.

  • Opinion Paper: Write a debrief of the simulation we did in class: What did you learn about the founders? What did you learn about yourself? How are you going to change because of the simulation? *Remember to use facts and examples to support your opinions!

  • Constitution Journal: Article 1 Sections 6-10. This is actually this Thursday's assignment that I accidentally gave you a week early, so if you need time to catch up, Cha-ching! you got an extra week!

  • Be thinking about who you want to research for your Hero report. You can sign-up anytime between now and February 23rd.

**I'll be handing out a study guide to each of you for the Constitution Bowl this week. Many questions will be taken directly from this guide, so use it wisely!

**The annual Key of Liberty vs. Sword of Freedom/Hero Project air-soft battle is now officially scheduled for Friday, March 24th at 10am at my house! Woo-hoo! Put it on your calendars, and start gathering your gear, including an air-soft gun and eye protection. Ammo and snacks will be provided.

'Til Thursday, Mrs. Hellyer