Friday, October 24, 2014

10/23 Class Update

Yesterday was so fun! 

Each week you all share more of your own unique genius, and we LOVE to see it!

In class, we discussed John Adams: The Reluctant Patriot. There were so many important lessons of character, courage, fortitude, perseverance....the list could go on forever. It is a great book, and he was a great example of a true patriot.

We also had a verbal quiz about much of the history we learned about in the book. You all did VERY WELL! I am really impressed at how much you are getting out of your reading.

We discussed I-594, and the ominous implications if such an initiative is approved.

We discussed how to study the Declaration of Independence, a paragraph at a time, to better understand each principle found therein, and their meanings.

We also passed out ribbons for those that have achieved more of their requirements for first semester. 


Just a reminder, especially for those parents who may not have perused the binder to see what the requirements** are, they are listed below:

1)    Read The Mayflower Compact
2)    Watch one of these videos:  John Paul Jones, Johnny Tremain, 1776, or April Morning
3)    Read Red Scarf Girl, The Landing of the Pilgrims, John Adams: The Reluctant Patriot, and                Being George Washington
4)    Memorize and recite the Declaration of Independence (excluding the 27 injuries)
5)    Give a class presentation on a colony
6)    Fulfill the requirements for the U.S. Heritage Award (see binder)
7)    Complete 6 of the writing assignments (opinion papers)
8)    Memorize the 10 Commandments
9)    Memorize and be able to place the 13 colonies on a map

**A few of these requirements we have done in class (if you were there on the particular day).

Remember, the requirements can be passed off with your parents, as well as teachers.

NOW - on to assignments for this week.  :)   Get excited!

1)    Start or continue reading Being George Washington by Glenn Beck
2)    Write and bring your opinion paper on the topic, "What made Washington a great man? How can         you become more like him?"
3)    For the first 4 paragraphs of the Declaration: analyze, state in your own words, define unknown          words, and identify principles discussed - use the document study templates in your binders
4)    Try to MEMORIZE those first 4 paragraphs of the Declaration.  You can pass them off next                week in class!
5)    PRESENTATION next week:  MARY on Connecticut. You'll be awesome Mary!

Also, next week we have a special appearance from Bob O'Neal. He is with the Sons of the American Revolution, and has an awesome  presentation to share with us about the Revolutionary War period. So, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be on time!

All right. Get to it. You have a lot to do this week, but remember, your wisdom and freedom are worth every effort.

Have a great week!

-Teacher Kelly

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10/16 Class Report

Hey everyone!

I am sorry you are getting this so late this week!

Hannah gave us an amazing presentation last week on New Hampshire. She had SO MUCH to share. We loved her preparation and enthusiasm!

We discussed the Intolerable Acts of King George the III, and a few of you came prepared to share what you had learned. In a word, you were STELLAR! Thank you for that preparation and study from which we ALL benefited!

We simulated the continental congresses, at which Independence was debated, and ultimately decided upon. Hallelujah, right? We are so blessed that the fathers of our nation had such wisdom and courage.

This week, please come to class with the following:

1)  John Adams READ completely! We will discuss this book this Thursday.
2)  Your completed opinion paper with your AMAZING, inspiring ideas! The topic is "What is more important (or to whom/what is your allegiance): your family or your country?"
3)  Aspen - Your presentation on Massachusetts, ready to go. We are so excited to see you give it!

Call with any questions, anytime.

Thanks guys!

-Teacher Kelly and Teacher Betty

Monday, October 13, 2014

10/9 Class Report

Hi all-

Last week, Kaleigh gave an AWESOME presentation on both the New York and New Jersey colonies of the American Revolutionary period. She was great! We loved the info she shared, as well as the candy.  (wink wink).

We read through The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere as a class, then reenacted the exciting, eventful night.

We had a lecture on the events that led up to the Revolutionary War, and as always, ran out of time to discuss more of the amazing stories contained in the awesome history of the Revolution.

Assignments for next class (10/16)

**Learn about and be prepared to discuss the "Intolerable Acts" of King George and his parliament.

**Complete and turn in paper on the following topic: "Define stubborn. Is it good to be stubborn?"

**FINISH John Adams book. We will discuss it!

**Work on other requirements for first semester ribbons...check your binders for what you haven't completed yet. Ask for help from your teachers or your parents if you need it!

You all are doing awesome. You have lots to share with all of us. We are so excited to be learning with you! Keep up the amazing and your education are worth all the hours and sacrifices you make to achieve in this class.

See you Thursday-

Teacher Kelly and Teacher Betty

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10/2 Class Report

Wow! Another busy, rousing day of class, rife with discussion, heated debate, awesome presentations, and amazing insights into the history of our country. THANK YOU everyone who participated! It was really a great class!

We listened to amazing presentations from Benjamin and David. STUNNING work you guys! Thanks so much.

We discussed The Landing of the Pilgrims, and agreed the sacrifices they undertook for religious freedom were awe-inspiring.

We talked about the Ten Commandments;  we should all be working on memorizing them now, as that is one of the first semester requirements. Teacher Betty  made an awesome poster we can review to help us with that task. Thanks Betty!

We read and discussed the Mayflower Compact and its impact in modern-day America. What insight the pilgrims had to contract with one another to preserve the integrity and foster the growth of this nation.

We had a short lecture on our unalienable rights, as well as Parliament's and King George III's abuse of the governmental powers they held. This disregard for the colonists inherent rights incited the prelude to the American Revolution.

We had a simulation, demonstrating how terribly oppressive the Stamp Act and later Townshend Acts became. Hannah was our tax collector, which role she played so well! There was much conspiracy, both on the side of the "law" and on the side of the colonists. The rebellious colonists conspired and seized the day, winning the bag of chocolate doughnuts. I still cannot believe they didn't share them with the whole class. Ah well....

We also (YAY!) received ribbons for some of the requirements we have passed off over the last few weeks.  MOST of the requirements will be earned on your own, at home, during study time. Please review with your parents what requirements you still have left to work on, and get going! You can do it, and you can EARN THE TRIP TO OLYMPIA with us in JANUARY!

OKAY - enough with the debrief. On to the assignments for this week.   :)

1 - Finish The Red Scarf Girl and The Landing of the Pilgrims (if you haven't already).
2 - Write and turn in all old unfinished opinion papers.
3 - Start reading John Adams: Reluctant Patriot of the American Revolution
4 - Write your opinion paper on the following topic, and bring to class on 10.9:
                         "When is it right to defend your liberty with guns?"

Thank you so much for all of your hard work. You are truly amazing, and you are preparing to be the leaders, statesmen, and examples for the rest of our nation.