Monday, May 25, 2015

Capitol Trip

I know...just when you thought you were done receiving these blog posts...ONE MORE! The upside is, NO ASSIGNMENTS!

We had an exciting trip to the Capitol, and learned quite a bit about how the legislative process works here in Washington State.

We even got to meet with a real live, flesh-and-blood, career lobbyist! That was sort of exciting/crazy/weird, huh? The Supreme Court Trial Simulation had to be the best, though, don't you agree? It was really interesting to learn about the Loomis case, find out how the judges decided, and see how our own court ruled.

I hope you enjoyed yourselves, as I know the TriCities group, LETRS, had a blast and were singing in revelry all the way home!

Enjoy these few pics from the day!

-Teacher Kelly

Friday, May 8, 2015

5/7 Class Update

Class was great yesterday!

Archie's presentation on the Currency Act was very enlightening. It was interesting to consider how the financial policy of one political entity can affect global trade and value of various commodities. Also, merchants get angry if they feel cheated!

I LOVED THE LAW! It was amazing. Best essay I have ever none.

Here is a YouTube video that sums it up:

Bastiat was ALL COMMON sense! Well...maybe not common sense, but RIGHT THINKING, for sure. I was so glad we got to discuss the implications of his political theory...and he was amazingly brave to refute the social justice and political ideologies of philosophers in his day. His essay was compelling.  I urge you all to read it again; just to let it really sink in and take hold. It will help guide you when you get to vote in not a few years!

If you like him and what he has to say, read another great work by him (below):

We had a brief lecture on the necessity that a free people in a republic be virtuous and moral.

You can look around our country today and see for yourself. There are not many individuals that are truly free, educated, and independent that are not morally grounded. Our republic will only be prosperous and shelter a truly free people, if that people align themselves with what is good, right, and true.

ASSIGNMENTS for next week:

**FINISH all of your requirements for Key! Due date is next Thursday, midnight.....(spooky?)
*Practice for the Constitution Bowl
*Constitution Journal: Complete
*Washington’s Farewell Address and Vocab: Complete
*Opinion Paper – Is it an unalienable right to intoxicate oneself? Does the Government have the power                     to take away our unalienable rights? Explain.

*Prepare for quiz on Amendments – next week – last day of class (see your binder).

All right....have at it.  Email or call me with any questions, especially if you are unclear about what you have left to accomplish. We went over what assignments each of you are missing in class yesterday. But you or your parents are welcome to call and email to review that information again.

Have a great weekend, and GOOD LUCK on the PLAY!

-Teacher Kelly

Monday, May 4, 2015

4/30 Class Update

Sorry I missed a blog post last week guys. CRAZY busy with birthday season at our house!

We had a great AWESOME presentation by Hannah. She could have taught the whole 2 hours with the amount of interesting info she gleaned on fashion during the colonial times! THANKS Hannah!

It was AMAZING and fascinating to learn! And aren't you boys glad that you aren't dressed in dresses as toddlers nowadays? Those poor colonials....  :)

We had a great discussion re: cruel and unusual punishments. It is fascinating to learn that there is no universal definition for the term, and that the courts have a lot of power in deciding how to apply it.

We practiced questions from the upcoming Constitution Bowl, and good thing too, because we just BARELY WON the practice bowl against those SMART Freedom Project ladies! That was so much fun! A big thanks to Teacher Genne and Teacher Betty for participating in and facilitating the event. We had a FANTASTIC time, and I think we know better WHERE WE NEED TO STUDY to prepare.


Study to prepare. Did I mention, we should study more?

Kaleigh made a flashcard set you online, with which you can practice the questions for the bowl. AWESOME Kaleigh! Thank you! Check out the link below (after you've perused your assignments)! 


**Finish "The Law" - book discussion next week
**Opinion Paper - "Should a murderer (criminal) die in the way he killed a person?"
**Finish your Constitution Journals
**Finish your George Washington Farewell address reading and vocabulary

And ARCHIE - get your presentation ready! You present next week! Call or email me with any questions.

I know you all have a lot going on, especially with Shakespeare.

I really appreciate how much you are willing to spend time studying our class material. It is SO VITALLY important to the continued freedom in our country, for you, and for your future families. Every minute studying is worth it.

Keep up the outstanding work!

-Teacher Kelly