Monday, October 2, 2017

Week 3: 9/28/17

Last week we discussed the importance of morality in regards to government. The founders were insistent that both the governing and the governed had to be virtuous for freedom and self-governance to succeed. The people had to recognize and live by a higher law (God's law) in order to create communities respectful of individuals' rights, and those in positions of power had to do the same in order to avoid the temptations that come with holding such positions. Here's the video that I wanted to show you in class. Mr. Christensen has some great insight on this topic...

Assignments this week:
  • Opinion Paper - Why is a moral people required for good government?

  • Reading - Finish reading The Landing of the Pilgrims. Our discussion will be led by Corban. There will be treats for those who read their books!
  • Presentations - Thanks to Sariah and Elliot for teaching us a bit more about our nation's past. This week, we will be pleased to hear from Athen on the Boston Massacre.
Enjoy the rest of your week! -Mrs. H.

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