Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 9

Thanks so much to all the mentors who have helped out in our class while teacher Amber is out! We appreciate the assistance from both teachers Shannon, teacher Mary and teacher Lisa. You all had great input and are welcome to join us anytime!

Last week we watched an informative video on the crossing of the Delaware, and the Battle of Trenton. I hope you all appreciated the detailed maps and visual representations of troop movements in the video as much as I did. I think it helped me have a better understanding of that part of the war.

Please make sure you finish reading the American Crisis by Thomas Paine...maybe even read it with a parent or older sibling who can help you understand some of the more difficult language in it. Those papers were an influential part of turning the war around in favor of the Americans, so it's really helpful in understanding the colonists to know how "media" got them fired up. Think of the American Crisis papers in the same light as a "viral" video or a hashtag campaign today.

Your opinion paper topic this week comes from a quote in the American Crisis paper #1: "For though the flame of liberty may cease to shine, the coal can never expire." Is this a true statement? What does this statement mean to you? Please try to answer the questions given, and if you want to add more to it, even better!

Thanks to Emma and Hannah for their very interesting and informative presentations on Betsy Ross and the education of the founders. This week's presentations will be given by Ethan on the role of the Navy in the Revolutionary War, and by Micah on weaponry and battle tactics of the War. We're looking forward to these presentations!

Keep working on that Declaration of Independence (I'm working on it, too) and let's all try to reach our class goal of memorizing through the statement of "History" by this Thursday.

Happy studying!

-Mrs. Hellyer

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