Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 12: 5/3/18

Sorry this is later than usual...I've been sick all weekend. :( I wanted to quickly say that you all have done really well on your debates, especially for first timers! I know how difficult it can be to argue a side you don't agree with, but setting your personal biases aside and debating the facts helps you to try to understand and really listen to people's opinions and the logic behind them. Use these skills anytime you have to share your opinion about something important: you will be much more persuasive and credible!
Since we learned about the 18th Amendment last week, here's a short video about prohibition that you might find helpful for writing your paper. Enjoy!

Devotional: Gwen
Presentations: We will have the pleasure of hearing from Elsa on Abraham Lincoln and from Sariah on her dad. Reminder: please give a brief overview of why this person is a hero. Also, visual aids are highly encouraged!
Opinion Paper #11: Is it an unalienable right to intoxicate oneself? Does the government have the power to take away our unalienable rights? Explain. Be sure to answer BOTH questions in your paper!
Award Requirements: Work on George Washington's Farewell Address. For this requirement, you need to read the entire address, and write the definitions for all the words marked with an asterisk (there are 46 total). If you've already done that, finish your Constitution Journal, complete your Constitution quizzes, or memorize some scriptures and references.
That's all, folks! See you Thursday! -Mrs. Hellyer

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