Last week we watched one of my favorite videos about George Washington and his troops crossing the Delaware River. It was such a trying time for our little "ragtag"army, and a seemingly impossible task for our newly appointed General Washington to lead them to victory. The strength and perseverance of these men is so inspiring to me, and I hope you all will draw the same inspiration from them, and know that you, too--with faith and determination--can endure and overcome difficult trials.
Also, check out this website for Civil War Trust that has a TON of great videos about the American Revolution (and they're only 4 minutes each!):
Opinion Paper: "For though the flame of liberty may sometimes cease to shine, the coal can never expire," Is this a true statement? What does it mean to you? PLEASE re-read The American Crisis No. 1 by Thomas Paine, and study the context of this quote. Also, discuss this with your parents and ask them what they think--they're pretty good resources!
Presentations: Thank you to Gwen and Corban for your informative presentations! We will be pleased to hear from Corban again this week on weaponry and battle tactics, as well as Madeline on Betsy Ross (feel free to change your presentation a bit, Madeline, if you feel Mr. O'Neal gave us sufficient information).
Award Requirements: We have only 6 classes left before the end of the semester, and some of the most time consuming award requirements are left unfinished (ie. the Declaration of Independence). I know you guys can get all the ribbons if you work hard, so let's get some things passed off! We also will be discussing our presentation for parent night this week, which usually includes reciting the Declaration from memory. Let's make our parents proud!
Reading: Keep working on Being George Washington by Glenn Beck, which we will be discussing on December 14th. If you finish that, you can start reading Freedom Factor by Gerald Lund (one of my faves!)
One last thing: I received only 6 thank you cards for Mr. O'Neal, so if you forgot to turn yours in last week, PLEASE bring it this week so I can mail them to him on Friday. Thank you!
Enjoy the storm! -Mrs. Hellyer
Enjoy the storm! -Mrs. Hellyer
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