Saturday, April 23, 2016

Week 12

Great job on the Constitution Bowl! Please be sure to thank Teacher Amber for putting together such a fun event for us, and Teacher Genne for hosting our game. It was a blast!
This week we dug into Amendment IV which protects our right against illegal searches and seizures, and Amendment V which protects us from double jeopardy and self-incrimination, ensures due process, and prohibits possession by the government of private property (eminent domain) without just compensation.
"We have been taught here to believe that all power of right belongs to the people; that it flows immediately from them, and is delegated to their officers for the public good; that our rulers are the servants of the people, amenable to their will, and created for their use."
-Charles Pinckney
This Week's Assignments:
  • Opinion Paper - If a person is suspected of doing evil, should the government be allowed to search his property without his knowledge? (This is a correction of the original question which was written "with his knowledge.")
  • Finish your Constitution Journals!!!! We will be going on the field trip IMMEDIATELY after co-op this Thursday, leaving at 2:45, so no dilly-dallying! Our destination is the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum located in Wright Park,                                                                             followed by ice cream (Parents and siblings--if age-appropriate--are welcome to attend, and I may be able to give some kids rides home afterward if needed.) The cost is free, and I will have permission slips available on Thursday.
  • We will be pleased to hear presentations next week given by Eliana and Hannah. Kudos to Zane and Tillie for enlightening us this week about Benjamin Franklin and Joseph Smith. Nicely done! 
  • I want to leave time at the end of class on Thursday for you to pass off award requirements and to hand out ribbons, so please have your things in order for that.
I think that's it from me...if you have any questions, comments or concerns, you know what to do!
-Mrs. H.

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