A few reminders:
- If you haven't already, select a person about whom to research for your Hero Report by this Thursday (2/11), and get your selection approved by myself or Teacher Isabelle. The person must be someone who has promoted the principles of freedom and liberty, and NOT be George Washington or John Adams. That's it. There are like a million+ people who fit those criteria! The actual reports are not due until April 14th, but this will give you time to get some research done early.
- Opinion paper this week: Write a debrief on the simulation. What did you learn about the founders? What did you learn about yourself? How are you going to change because of the simulation?
- Keep working on your Constitution journals. We're still working on the preamble and Article 1, Sections 1-5. If you have questions or need help, please ask! (Trust me: someday, you'll thank us for pushing you to do it!) *Also, if you do all your journaling, there will be a special field trip to the capital (or possibly a museum--we'll talk it over in class)--for those who complete the requirement--involving ice cream!
-Mrs. Hellyer
wow i better nake sure i keep up on the journal