Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 2: 9/21/17

Great job to you all for participation in our first class simulation! That one's a doozy, too, but you guys finally figured out how to stay in character and argue as the delegates you represented. I hope you were able to realize how difficult it really was for the founding fathers to come together and decide to break away from England. There were so many consequences to consider--treason, impact on families, economics, casualties of war, interstate and international relations, etc.--before the founders were able to commit to independence. Even John Adams, who lived through some of the worst oppression from the British in Boston, didn't want to break away from Great Britain until he believed there was no other option.
Check out the video below that captures some of the colonists' anger and frustration with the mother country:

  • Opinion Paper - What did you learn about the founders by participating in the simulation? What did you learn about yourself? How will you change because of what you learned? (By completing this paper, you will earn your key...YAY!)
  • Presentations - We will be pleased to hear our first class presentations given this Thursday by Elliot and Sariah (check last week's blog if you need a refresher about topics or dates).
  • Reading - Please read the Mayflower Compact (in your binder) and write a list of vocabulary words (words you don't know) with their definitions in your notebook. Also, keep reading The Landing of the Pilgrims which we will discuss on October 5th.
  • Devotional - Athen will give the devotional this week.
Keep working on those award requirements, especially memorizing the Declaration of Independence. I REALLY want to see some ribbons tied to your keys!! See you'ns Thursday!
-Mrs. Hellyer

Monday, September 18, 2017

Presentation Schedule

I forgot to add this to the blog, so please make sure you have written down your presentation in your planner:

  1. Elliot: Life as a Puritan and the Salem Witch Trials
  2. Sariah: The French and Indian War
  1. Athen: The Boston Massacre
  1. Elsa: Boston Tea Party and the Sons of Liberty
  1. Athen: Lexington and Concord
  1. Madeline: Hospitals and Doctors in the Revolutionary War
  2. Elliot: Life as a Soldier in the Continental Army
  1. Corban: Life as a Prisoner and Prisons in Colonial America
  2. Gwen: Francis Marion, the "Swamp Fox"
  1. Madeline: Betsy Ross and the First Flag
  2. Corban: Weaponry and Battle Tactics of the Revolutionary War
  1. Elsa: The Role of Spies in the Revolution
  1. Gwen: Famous Women of the War
  2. Sariah: Benjamin Franklin and the Treaty of Paris
I'll also post this schedule up in the classroom. Remember, you don't need to write a paper for this, just give an oral/visual presentation of what you learned. Have fun with it; costumes, props, games, etc. are highly encouraged!
-Mrs. Hellyer

Friday, September 15, 2017

Week 1: 9/14/17

Welcome to Key of Liberty! It was so nice to see the familiar faces and meet the new scholars! I hope that you all weren't too overwhelmed with the deluge of information you were given in class yesterday. True, there will be a lot of hard work this year, but you all are more than capable of accomplishing all your goals and earning those rewards! It's going to be a great year!

This week we discussed what it means when we say "America is your land." This country is the precious inheritance we have received from the generations before us, and we must do our best to be informed, intelligent, responsible citizens who will pass that inheritance on to the next generation, in a better condition than it was received.

Here are your assignments for this week:

  • Remember to look through your award requirements and start planning (using your planner) to work on those a little bit every week. This includes your Declaration of Independence journal if you want to go on the field trip to the Capitol in January.

  • Opinion Paper: What is your responsibility to America and freedom? This is due at the beginning of the next class. Please use your rubric as a guide to help you turn in your best work!

  • Reading: Start reading The Landing of the Pilgrims if you haven't already. Our book discussion will be on October 5th, led by Corban.

  • Devotional: This week I'm assigning devotional to Elliot, because I forgot to do it in class, and he lives with me which makes it convenient!
Have a great week, everyone!
-Mrs. Hellyer