Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Week 9

Last week we discussed the amending process of the Constitution--Article 5. There are 2 ways...1) the Congressional, 2/3 vote in each house, then on to the states for ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures way, or 2) the convention of states way. Study your notes and get these processes locked in to your gray matter, because there will be questions about this in the Constitution Bowl, guaranteed! Please take some time to check out the website below to find out more about the convention of states project, too. If this project succeeds, this will be he first time in our nation's history that we will have ever done this, and you could be a part of it! That is AWESOME! What a great story to be able to tell your posterity!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the air soft battle on Friday. Tons of fun was had by all, and you're all invited to participate again next year! Mrs. Poyer and Mrs. Schmieder took lots of pictures to be used for black mail! JK!

  • For Devotional this week, I'd like to assign Taylor. Also, keep those news stories coming; there's lots going on that you should be paying attention to! 
  • OPINION PAPER: If you were to make an amendment to the Constitution, what would it be? Remember to FILL the page with your interesting ideas (NOT with size 30 font!). 
  • CONSTITUTION JOURNAL: Amendments 18 - 23
  • HERO REPORT: These are due April 13th, the same day as the Constitution Bowl, sorry! They should be 2 to 4 pages long, typed or hand-written (in pen), but they need to be proof-read and edited. Pages need to be numbered and you must include a title page a bibliography with at least 2 sources (1 source is fine if you are conducting live interviews). For more information on how to format a bibliography, please see this link: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_mla_format_examples.shtml
  • AWARD REQUIREMENTS: You're going to want to get these done before tech week in Shakespeare class! You should all be able to pass off the preamble to the Constitution, and maybe even a scripture or two. Also, since we don't have a book discussion for a while, this would be a good time to work on George Washington's Farewell Address and vocabulary.
  • READING: Our next book discussion will be on The Proper Role of Government by Ezra Taft Benson on May 4th. I would like Reina to lead this discussion. I recommend that you print the article from your computer (it's only about 14 pages) so you can highlight, make notes, and bring it to class with you for discussion. Here is the link for the article: http://www.latterdayconservative.com/ezra-taft-benson/the-proper-role-of-government/

And last, but never least...

Monday, March 20, 2017

Week 8

Here is the video Mrs. Brennan was trying to show in class on Thursday:

I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but my post is going to be short and sweet this week. Here's what's going on...
  • NO OPINION PAPER this week! YAY!
  • CONSTITUTION JOURNAL - Amendments 11-17
  • READING - Finish The Great Little Madison for our book discussion this Thursday. Ethan will be leading us, and I will bring the refreshments for those who finish the book!
Don't forget about the Air Soft Battle this Friday! Be there or be square! (Details will be in an email and/or on previous blog posts.)

Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 7

The Judicial Branch! So many interesting things to learn, so little time! We discussed the powers of the judicial branch, as well as its jurisdiction (the areas of law the courts have authority over, like state vs. state disputes, foreign diplomats' legal issues, maritime crimes, and more.) We also discussed the Marbury v. Madison decision which established Judicial Review, or the power to rule any law unconstitutional. I encourage you all to read/study about other landmark court cases, because these often mark major turning points in our nation's history, define public policy for generations, and also show the progression of the court's usurpation of power that Thomas Jefferson was so afraid of. (Some examples are Brown v. Board of Education, Roe v. Wade, Plessy v. Ferguson, Dred Scott v. Sanford, etc.) Click on this link to read about many landmark cases: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/pop_landmark_cases/index.html

The video below is about Marbury v. Madison, for those who want to review:

OPINION PAPER: Have the Supreme Court rulings helped or hindered our nation? Explain. (For this one, you will probably want to familiarize yourself with some Supreme Court rulings--those listed above would be a great start--and cite them in your paper.) Remember to FILL THE PAGE with all your amazing insights!
DEBATE: Should the minority be allowed to win over the majority? Read your articles (and bring them back to class), do some internet searches, take some notes, and be prepared to argue!
CONSTITUTION JOURNAL / BOWL STUDY: Amendments 1-10 (That's the whole Bill of Rights, folks). We really need to practice this week, so let's try to stay on task in class so we can have time at the end.
DEVOTIONAL: And the winner is...Reina!
NEWS: Keep those news stories coming! You guys brought a tear to my eye last week when you were discussing the John Deere tractor story...I'm so proud to see you all debating this stuff!
READING: Book discussion on The Great Little Madison will be next Thursday, March 23rd, and led by Ethan. There will be treats for those who finish the book!
****Check back to the Week 6 post for info about the air soft battle on March 24th.****
Signing off--Mrs. Hellyer

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 6

Last Thursday was all about the powers of the Executive branch. I hope you all took good notes and are studying your Constitution so you can lock this stuff in to memory!


Opinion Paper: According to the Constitution, Congress has the power to declare war, but for the last 60 years, the President has declared war. Which branch in your opinion should have the power--Legislative or Executive?

Debate: Should the Supreme Court have the power to make laws/decisions on moral issues?
I didn't write down who was on which side, sorry; just make sure you do some internet searches to prepare your arguments, and also familiarize yourself with the opposing side so you can be ready for what they might throw at you!

Reading: Our next book discussion will be on March 23 (that's 17 days from today!) about The Great Little Madison by Jean Fritz. I would like Ethan to lead the discussion on this one.

Constitution Journal: Articles 5 - 7

Devotional: I think we're back to the beginning, which means it's Dean's turn again!

News: We had a great discussion last week on news topics! I'm so proud of you all for paying attention to what's happening in the world, and realizing that you can have your own opinions about current events. Keep up the good work, scholars!

Award Requirements: Don't forget to work on getting things passed off...we have only 9 classes left!

Hero Reports: Papers are due April 13th. Here's the list of presentations and their corresponding dates:
  • April 20 - Ethan (Martin Luther King, Jr.) & Leila (Joan of Arc)
  • April 27 - Lucy (Uncle Howard) & Reina (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  • May 4 - Taylor (Ushta Mehta) & Paige (her grandfather)
  • May 11 - Dean (still considering ;) )


March 24th is the Annual Air Soft Battle with Sword of Freedom/Hero Project at 10:00 to 1:00 at my house in Graham. Ammo and snacks will be provided, but you will need to bring the following items:
  • an air-soft (not bb) gun
  • eye protection
  • waterproof boots
  • a sack lunch
  • You may also want to bring an extra pair of socks and pants in case you get wet
This event is open to siblings who are 12 and up and any parents who want to participate as well. This will be an all outdoor event, so please no unattended small children!

April 13th is the Thomas Jefferson Birthday Celebration and Declaration of Independence reciting contest. I hope you all brush up on your Declaration and give it your best shot! Make us Key mentors proud!

That's all, I hope! See you Thursday! - Mrs. Hellyer