Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Week 12

Finally, the blog you've all been waiting for! I hope Christmas break has been rejuvenating, and that you've had lots of time to eat, sleep and be merry! Unfortunately, it is quickly coming to an end, so here are the things you need to be working on to be prepared for our next class meeting:

Opinion Paper: When the war was over, and thousands had died, was it worth it?

Parent Night: Please have your presentation piece ready to practice by January 12th!

Presentations: Last but never least, Taylor will present on famous women of the war on January 5th.

Reading: Please have Being George Washington finished on January 5th, and be prepared with a question/comment or two to discuss in class. I believe I asked Leila to lead the discussion this time. Also, we will be discussing Freedom Factor by Gerald Lund on January 26th, so make sure you have that one finished by then also.

Award Requirements: January 12th is the LAST DAY to pass off first semester requirements, so please finish those up...especially memorizing the Declaration of Independence!

Just a heads up: we have a field trip to the state capital scheduled for January 19th, and I may need an extra driver, so if anyone has a parent who is willing and able to help with that, please let me know. We'll need to leave right at 10 that day, so please be to co-op by 9:45.

I didn't assign anyone to do devotional this week, so Reina, will you please do the honors? I think that's it! Enjoy the rest of your break, and I'll see you in 2017!

-Mrs. Hellyer

Monday, December 12, 2016

Week 11

So is all the freezing weather making you feel a little cold? Imagine how the soldiers at Valley Forge felt during the winter of 1777-78! We learned last week that that winter was one of the most difficult challenges faced by George Washington and the colonial army. Moral was probably at its lowest point of the war as men faced homesickness, freezing, starvation and diseases, all on the heels of some devastating defeats in battle. What a debt we owe to the colonists who persevered through this formidable time to secure peace and liberty for us, their posterity! This season is a great time to remember and thank God for our patriot ancestors who sacrificed so much 239 years ago.


Opinion Paper: Write a letter home as if you were someone living in the colonial period. This is my favorite writing assignment for first semester! Remember, you can be anybody! Here are a few ideas:
  • a colonial soldier or officer
  • a wife on the front lines, tending the wounded
  • a delegate in the Continental Congress
  • a loyalist
  • a redcoat
  • a slave
  • a family member of a soldier, awaiting your loved one's return from battle
  • a privateer
The list could go on; just be creative and think outside the box!

Presentations: We heard a very informative and well-executed presentation from Paige last week on the different groups of people in the war. Way to raise the bar, Paige! This week, we look forward to being enlightened by Lucy on colonial fashion, and by Reina on spies.

Devotional: I forgot to assign this in class...Ethan, would you please do the honors of preparing an inspirational thought to share at the beginning of class?

Reading: Keep plugging away at Being George Washington and Freedom Factor.

Award Requirements: We have only 3 class days left to pass off requirements, so make sure you're working on checking off those requirements! January 12 is the deadline!

Parent Night: Please work on finalizing/memorizing your part and putting your costume together for our dazzling January 26th performance!

Have a fabulous week!

-Mrs. Hellyer

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 10

This week we spent our time working on passing off requirements and discussing parent night. I am SO excited to show all the parents what we're preparing and knock everyone's socks off! Here's a recap of what we decided:

The presentation will be in the style of a wax museum exhibit in which each scholar will dress as a different historical figure and recite a 1-minute quote/song/bio/etc., or any combination thereof. Mrs. Brennan and I will introduce the exhibit or be tour guides. At the conclusion of the presentation all the scholars will recite the beginning of the Declaration of Independence from memory ("When in the course" through "the pursuit of happiness"). Parts are listed below:
  • Dean - John Paul Jones
  • Ethan - Paul Revere
  • Leila - Abigail Adams
  • Lucy - A Pilgrim
  • Paige - Alexander Hamilton
  • Reina - Betsy Ross
  • Taylor - Thomas Jefferson
This week, in lieu of an opinion paper, you were asked to write your part for parent night. Remember that you need to speak for 1 full minute, so you may want to practice reading your part out loud to get your timing right. Please show what you've written to either me or Mrs. Brennan for review on Thursday.

Movie night last Friday turned into a bit of a fiasco, and I'm sorry for that. To make it up to all of you, I will hold a make-up movie night at my house this Thursday evening (12/8). Anyone who can attend can ride with me to my house directly after co-op on Thursday. We'll have dinner and watch April Morning. Your parents would need to pick you up from my house between 7 and 7:30. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be attending! Parents can text or call me at 253-254-9064 to respond and get my address.

Presentations: We heard some excellent presentations given by Taylor and Ethan last Thursday, and this week we will be pleased to hear from Paige on Tories, loyalists, Hessians and Red Coats

Memorization: This week you should be working on the Statement of "Wanting" to have the whole Declaration passed off by January 12th. Remember, you can pass it off one section at a time!

Reading: Keep working on Being George Washington by Glenn Beck so you can finish before January 5th. If you have finished, begin reading Freedom Factor by Gerald Lund, which we will be discussing on the first day of second semester, January 26th.

Devotional: I'm not sure if anyone was already assigned, so if not, Taylor, would you please bring an inspirational thought to share at the beginning of class this week?

Pray for snow this week, and we'll see you all Thursday!

-Mrs. Hellyer