Opinion Paper: Now that you have studied and understand our Constitution, what do you plan to do in your life to see that it is not trampled down by power seeking men? Please be prepared to read this paper aloud in class.
Award Requirements: PLEASE complete as many of these as you can before Thursday! Just think of how proud you'll be to display your key, decorated with all those ribbons that symbolize all your hard work over the past 9 months! You scholars now know way more about the Constitution and our nation's founding than most college graduates--which is...AWESOME!!
Extra Credit Paper: Where should the line be drawn between personal freedom and public safety? Remember that Mrs. Brennan will have a treat for those scholars who want to write this paper.
We'll be watching A More Perfect Union in class next week, so you can cross that off your list of award requirements. See you all Thursday!
-Mrs. Hellyer