Thursday, March 26, 2015

3/26 Class Update

Hey everyone!

We had a great class today.

We had a thrilling presentation by Benjamin on the weaponry of the early years of our nation. I learned what a Howitzer is, finally! Thank you, Benjamin! We appreciated all of the energy and preparation you put into your presentation. It really showed and you were great!

We had a book discussion on "The Great Little Madison." He really was GREAT. We appreciated that even though he was chronically ill, weak-voiced and married far late into his life, he offered up himself to his nation. Time and time again he answered the call of his community and his country, to help safeguard the freedoms of our people. He lived great, and died great. To this day he remains a wonderful example of what we can each contribute to the cause of liberty.

We then had a simulation that helped to teach us the two ways in which our national Constitution can be amended.Because our clever class learns so quickly, you were all able to amend the constitution I had drafted, and you were all able to eat one of my delicious Funfetti pink lemonade-frosted cupcakes. :) NICELY DONE!

Please remember the below, and BE READY FOR NEXT WEEK'S QUIZZES!

                                NEXT WEEK
-Practice Constitution BOWL! STUDY!
-Constitution Quiz...STUDY!
                                May 21 – Real Bowl
                                May 22 – KOL Capitol Tour
                                Study for Constitution Quiz and practice bowl
                                Constitution Journal: Through Article 7
                                Opinion Paper – If you were to make an amendment to the Constitution
                                                                What would it be?
                                Read The Law (Frederic Bastiat) - I emailed you the link

                                Work on upcoming PRESENTATIONS!   

Any questions, please call or email me. Thank you! 

-Teacher Kelly                 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

3.19.15 KOL Class Update

Hi guys-

Great class today! Kenny presented to us on King George III. He did an excellent job describing his personality, his madness, his father's unfortunate lung injury (yikes!) and his long reign of the United Kingdom. And he served some pretty amazing cinnamon rolls too! Great job Kenny!

Next week - Benjamin will give a riveting presentation on weaponry of the American Revolutionary war. We are looking forward to that!

In class today, we had a great discussion about the differences between a democracy and a republic. We voted on which we would rather for our government. Would you believe a majority voted republic? Majority rules! So, through democratic vote, we upheld the republic. Great job everyone!

Here is another video found on YouTube re: Republics vs. Democracy

Democracy, we learned, is MOB rule. The rights of the minority are trampled. The end result of pure democracy is tyranny, and then implosion of the government, usually through revolt of the masses.

Our wise and well-educated founding fathers knew that this form of government would never last, nor provide us true freedom. They set up for us a republic, and secured, through our Constitution, the preservation of God-given rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness (property rights).

They were men of God, led by Him, to create a free country where individuals could pursue their dreams and respective ways of living.


Okay...enough lecture via blog.

We enjoyed two debates: Should the minority be able to win over the majority? Most of us felt, instinctively, that the minority's rights should be preserved, and not quashed by a majority rule. Maybe we are smart like the founders, or maybe we all consider ourselves minorities enough that we are sympathetic to preserving the rights of the minority.

We also debated the following: Should the supreme court be able to make laws re: moral issues? This debate was AWESOME because we discussed and debated moral issues like same-sex marriage, abortion, etc. One person commented "I don't agree that the court should be able to make such laws because THEY SHOULDN'T BE MAKING LAWS!" Amen to that!

Next week will be awesome again, I know. This week, to prepare, please do the following:

1) Complete your Constitution Journals up through Article V
2) Finish "The Great Little Madison"
3) Prepare your presentations - Benjamin is Next Week!

Thanks everyone. Have fun this Saturday at the Scholar Retreat (9-1).

-Teacher Kelly

Thursday, March 12, 2015

3.12.15 Class Update

Hi all! were treated to the first hour of "A More Perfect Union" today. I hope you enjoyed it. I am more grateful for the work our Founders did to mold our Constitution when I realize just how difficult a task they took on, and the varied and differing perspectives the Founders held. TRULY miraculous that our Founding Document is as nearly perfect as it now stands.

After that entertaining piece of history, we were treated to a great speech by Matthew re: the Boston Tea Party. Matthew brought the event to life as he shared a narrative he constructed as if he had witnessed the courageous deed. We enjoyed his enthusiasm, and the great research and care he took to present to us. THANK YOU MATTHEW!

Kenny - we are really looking forward to your presentation on King George III next week!

We had a lecture/discussion on the Supreme Court, the judiciary branch of our government. We talked about the difference between "Constitutional Supremacy" and "Judicial Supremacy." What a precarious position we are in, when the Supreme Court decides what is and what is not Constitutional, without only considering the Constitution as their source of guidance!

We watched a short video about Marbury v. Madison, and how that court case forever changed the way and extent to which the Supreme Court would use "Judicial Review." For practical reasons, Chief Justice Marshall didn't outright state that the Supreme Court was the only interpreter of the Constitution (although he believed it should be), or explain how the Court would enforce its decisions. But beginning with this landmark case, the Supreme Court was given much more power, and began its ascent to a branch equal in power to the legislative and executive branches. In the ensuing years, if the Court needed to affirm its importance and validity, it has cited Marshall's opinion in Marbury v. Madison.

Assignments for NEXT WEEK:

** KENNY - your presentation is due next week! 2-4 page paper...and oral report - You'll be awesome!
** Opinion papers: "Have the Supreme Court Rulings helped or hindered our nation?" - be as specific as possible - you may have to research a little on this as we really only went over Marbury v. Madison today. ALSO, turn in any you haven't finished yet...check the blog to see which ones you may have missed since January.
** Continue reading "The Great Little Madison" - we will discuss 3.26
** Complete Constitution Journal up through Article IV (this  means, complete Article IV too!)
** Prepare for Debate next week: "Should the Supreme Court have power to make laws on moral issues?" and "Should the minority be allowed to win over the majority?"

Teacher Betty and I LOVE you all and are so glad you are working so hard to understand our Constitution. The more you put into reading it, analyzing it,and  learning the history behind how it came to be, the more you will love it too.

Have a great week!

-Teacher Kelly

Friday, March 6, 2015

3.5.15 Class Update

Hey Key of Liberty Fan Club - or Constitution Illuminati, as we may be known to some....

Great class discussion today. You have some amazing insights into the way our current government is functioning, and how it SHOULD function.

You never cease to amaze Teacher Betty and me. You are really and truly independent thinkers. I love to hear that Archie discusses politics with his dad for hours at a time. How COOL is that? You know that the only way you will be able to preserve your freedoms is to understand how our democratic republican government functions...and how it is SUPPOSED to work.

Today we had a rousing oral presentation on The Stamp Act by our own Kaleigh Newlun. She did fabulously! She spoke with a nice strong voice, enthusiasm, and conviction about what she learned regarding this tax act. My favorite information nugget of her awesome presentation was that the Stamp Act Congress helped to give the colonists a model for the future Continental Congress.

We had a great lecture/discussion on the Executive Branch of our government. We discovered a lot of what the President is expected to do, outlined in his responsibilities set forth in the Constitution, Article 2. We didn't even have time to get to the array of powers Congress has delegated to him, WITHOUT an amendment to the CONSTITUTION! Ah...the shenanigans we find ourselves in when we don't follow the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND! Is it that hard, Senators? Really....a kindergartner could do it....

But I digress. :)


Read The Great Little Madison (Book discussion coming March 26!)
Write an Opinion Paper on who should have the power to declare war, the Executive branch or the Legislative
Complete Constitution Journal through all of Article 4
Matthew - get your presentation ready for next week!

I think that's it. You guys are doing WONDERFULLY! You will be great this week. Give me all your intensely patriotic and constitutional passion in your opinion paper please. Your spirit, determination and self-education in this area will make an ENORMOUS difference in what you contribute to our society, as well as how long we remain free!

Have a great week!

-Teacher Kelly