Thursday, February 26, 2015

Feb 12 Class Update

So....since you all taught the class, shouldn't you be doing this blog post?

Kidding! I heard you all did great last week! Thank you for stepping up to the plate, reading beforehand, coming prepared, and imparting this important information to one another.

You all learned about the importance of virtue in a leader, especially a leader of our nation. You discussed how democracies function successfully by the virtue their leaders possess. You discussed that successful monarchies govern by the honor inherent in their supposed nobility and rank. You also learned that despotic governments can only function and last as long as they hold fear over the subjects of the nation.

Next you talked about how legislation is created at the federal level. You learned what administrative law means, and you learned that more laws are created this way now, than are created through CONGRESS!

You discussed the process by which a bill is proposed and passed. Were you surprised to hear that most bills die in committee before they are even thoroughly reviewed and put to a vote? My favorite part of this process was learning that if the president objects to a bill that both the House of Representatives and the Senate have approved, the House and Senate can review his objections, but vote to pass the bill anyway. They only need a 2/3 vote in each house of Congress to pass the bill without the President's blessing. I appreciate that the President cannot prevent the will of the people from going forth. Ultimately, it is our representatives cowardice or lack of virtue that will keep our voices from being heeded.

I think the most objectionable think I learned was the pocket veto practice. Remember this? 1)      This happens when Congress passes a number of bills and then adjourns before the ten day  waiting period is up (happens around Christmas time often). Because they have adjourned before the 10 day waiting period is over, the President does not have to worry about the 10 day limit rule. None of the bills will become law without his signature…he puts them in his pocket (so to speak) where they are forgotten. And the Congress - your senators and representatives, can complain that they passed the important bill that you care so much about, but the President's actions actually prevented it from becoming law. This is called PASSING THE BUCK! Don't fall for it. Your representatives show their lack of virtue when this occurs.

I am sad to have missed class, because I am sure you all were great! Teacher Betty and I are really looking forward to seeing you this Thursday in class.

Before you come, please work on and bring the following:

-Constitution Journal: Preamble through ARTICLE 2

-Opinion Papers: So far, you should have the following done: "Why America is Different", "Men of faith and character or men of knowledge", What powers do you have in making new laws?", "Does Congress have too much power or not enough?"

-Fifty-five Fathers: keep reading - we are having the book discussion Feb 26th! I extended it just one week because I love you. :)

-Presentations: Keep working on these! The first one to present is Kaleigh. See the list below for your assigned dates. :)

Kaleigh - The Stamp Act - March 5th

Matthew - The Boston Tea Party - March 12th

Kenny - King George III - March 19th

Benjamin - Weaponry - March 26

Adam - Minutemen and Militia - April 9

David - Sons of LIberty - April 16

Hannah - Fashion in the Colonial Era - April 23

Archie - The Currency Act - April 30

See you all on Thursday! 

-Teacher Kelly

Feb 26 Class Update

Hola everybody-

Great class today! You all make a delicious trail mix, let me just say...

Today we had our book discussion on "Fifty-five Fathers" by Selma R. Williams. You all had very insightful comments on the dedication of our founding fathers. These were the men who compromised to draft a document that would best preserve the individual rights of citizens of our great United States.

I REALLY appreciate your readiness for the discussion, and your willingness to consider the lessons and details we talked about today. These amazing historical accounts are REALLY WORTH EVERY EFFORT to read and consider. You are Great Scholars!

We then learned some basic parliamentary procedures. We had to utilize these rules of order (moving, seconding, awaiting recognition from the chair, discussion, and voting) to make the most delicious, weird, mostly-cereal-laden trail mix ever. My favorite item was the box of baby swiss cheez-its. How about you? Red hots?

We then finished "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." For those of you who didn't see the first part (because just maybe you were on an awesome field trip to Olympia's capitol building), YOU MUST do so to receive credit.  :)   SUCH a great movie, an inspiration that really honest politicians might actually be out there! They might exist in this nation! Please, say it is so...

This week, there is no writing assignment, per se. But please remember to:

1) Read "The Great Little Madison"
2) Finish your Constitution journals up through Article 2
3) Work on your presentations

As an homage to our Fifty-Five Fathers discussion, and for a chance to get your Constitutional Convention juices flowing, watch the below YouTube video....

See y'all next week!

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 19 Class Update

Happy Friday greetings Everyone!

This is going to be a quick recap on yesterday's class, because I have A LOT to get done today, and I am already tired and thinking of going to bed, and it is only 3 PM!

Yesterday in class, we got a lot accomplished. Check out my bullet list for proof:

1) Set up new set of class rules
2) Established incentive jar  -  WORK HARD for your PARTY!
3) Simulated how the U.S. Legislature presents and passes a bill (nice outfit MATTHEW!) &
4) Had a lecture on the powers of Congress.

I REALLY hope you took good notes on that lecture. Next week's quiz on the lecture you just heard is going to be awesome. Or scary. Well, anyway, there will be candy involved. And I want to be able to reward you all for your increased intelligence. :)

Oh....National Treasure 2 is next Friday, the 27th, 7-10 at my house. Hope you all will come!


1 - Finish reading Fifty-Five Fathers - book discussion next week, no matter what!
2 - Finish Constitution Journal up through Article 2
3 - Finish any outstanding papers. So far this semester, you've been assigned papers on the following topics: "Why is America Different", "Men of Faith and Character or Men of Knowledge", "What Powers Do You Have in Making New Laws", "Does Congress Have Too Much Power or Not Enough?"
4 - WORK ON your upcoming presentations...they can sneak up on you. And you don't want to disappoint your mentors....  :)

Love y'all....WORK HARD! And then you can play.  :)

Peace! - as long as we can keep our liberty too...

-Teacher Kelly

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015 Class Update

Hey everyone-

Would you believe we only got through half of the info I wanted to discuss with you last class!

We are falling behind schedule. And to make matters trickier, Teacher Betty and I will not be in class next week! The first hour all the mentors and teachers are in training, and the second hour we are both gone on a field trip for choir.

SO....YOU WILL BE TEACHING THE CLASS! Don't will be totally easy. No sweat. I will send you each a document, and just like on the Declaration, the portion that you will read and prepare to present will be listed within the document. It will be close to one page of information. You will read/study it, then share it with the class. You will each have about 5 minutes to share/discuss what you have learned.

You can do this. You will be amazing! Maybe Diannalynn Claridge (she'll be sitting for Teacher Betty and me) will video you for us (with her phone) so we can watch later!

Sooo...look for an email from me in the next few days re: your assignment. :) Just in case anyone turns up ill, go ahead and read the whole document I send to you. That way you can help enlighten the class in more than one subject, if need be. :)

Class report from February 5th:

We discussed the establishment of the United States. We found how unique it was, as after the Revolution, the leaders took time to focus the fruits of their study of history and government to establish a more perfect union. They discussed the possible forms of government currently and previously in use in the world, analyzed their pros/cons, and analyzed many political philosophies and governmental structures, including that of Ancient Israel and the Anglo-Saxon people. 

They were well prepared and well-suited to solve the problem of establishing a more perfect government structure.

We talked about the spectrum of political power, with RULER's Law being on one end, and NO Law on the other. The founders of our nation studied and reasoned a way to find the balanced center of the continuum, putting the proper balance of power in federal, state, and local governments. They found the wisdom they needed in the examples of the Ancient Israel and Anglo-Saxon peoples.

We also discussed the dire situation in our nation immediately after the Revolution. It was critical that the founders find a way to that balanced center on the law spectrum. The nation was about to implode from unrest: unpaid soldiers, a possible coup of the congress, and others who were going to debtor's prison by the droves. The country had seemingly gone from one tyrant in King George III to another in the seemingly un-listening ears of the Continental Congress.


Read and prepare to share info on your outlined assignment for next week's lecture
READ Fifty-five Fathers
Write an opinion paper on "What Powers Do You Have in Making New Laws?"
Complete Constitution Journal, Article 1, Sections 1-7
Complete any previous papers/constitution journal assignments, etc.

Also, which day works better for you for our next National Treasure Movie Night: Feb 27th or 28th? Please reply to me ASAP! I am looking forward to an awesome hangout session...and also cookies. :) Maybe some of Matthew's famous cinnamon rolls...and Teacher Betty's amazing homemade popcorn!

Have a great weekend and see you next week (for a few minutes, anyhow).  :)