Saturday, September 27, 2014

9/25 Class Update

You guys were amazing today.

Our class was awesome, and it was so great to be back!

Before I jump into the recap, just wanted to remind you of assignments for the week:

- Write your opinion paper on "What are your God-given rights?"
- Finish Landing of the Pilgrims (book discussion next week!)
- Start John Adams: Reluctant Patriot of the American Revolution
-BENJAMIN and DAVID: finish your presentations on your assigned colony: Virginia (Ben) and North Carolina (David), as you are presenting to us NEXT WEEK! Remember to prepare for about 10-15 minutes.

So...back to our class on 9/25:

David and Mary gave GREAT inspirational thoughts to start us off.

We had a rousing lecture on how America is our birthright, our land. We also discussed why a moral people is necessary for good government. We heard some awesome insights from you all! Teacher Betty modeled how to take notes, and hopefully you all started taking notes yourself. This will really help you in the future, preparing to write your papers and more deeply understand the topics we are exploring.

We had a simulation of a free enterprise economy (modern-day America) versus a planned economy (think communist government shown in "The Red Scarf Girl" and socialist, communal structure of Pilgrims when first in Plymouth). Your car designs were inspirational! Your ingenuity and performance grew and astounded Teacher Betty and I as you were given incentives (candy) to produce what we liked. Then we saw your efforts fade as you realized (planned economy) every car design producer would be paid the same amount regardless of results. We had a blast going over this concept.

We celebrated the summer and September birthdays in our class (Mary, Kaleigh, David, Kenny and Benjamin) by sharing a hot cocoa cake together.

Teacher Betty gave an amazing presentation on South Carolina that we all loved. She used great visual aids (3 panel poster board) with lots of color, valuable information about the colony, and she even gave us a quiz, and let us earn candy when we answered correctly! It was a great presentation.

I just finished reading over your papers from last week and you are all doing some deep, critical thinking, coming up with sound ideas, true principles and sharing them beautifully. THANK YOU so much for taking the time to really ponder these opinion topics, and for sharing your insights. I love reading them! If you haven't turned in all of your papers yet (by next class I should have 3 from each of you) you can still do so!

WE ARE LOVING THIS CLASS with you ALL! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a GREAT WEEK!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

9/18 Class Update

Class! I missed you!

I heard you had a great time watching "Johnny Tremain." Much thanks to Teacher Betty for facilitating that while I was under the weather.

This week, please work on your papers on the following subject: "Why is a moral people required for good government?" Please bring them completed to class on Thursday, along with your papers from last week (on your responsibility to American and to Freedom). I want to keep these and read over your genius!

Also, please finish The Landing of the Pilgrims. It is an excellent book, and helps give details into the sacrifices and dangers the founders of our nation endured. BRAVE people, AMAZING examples. WE WILL BE DISCUSSING THIS BOOK on THURSDAY! Be ready!  :)

This week at Co-op, Teacher Betty will give us a presentation on her colony. It will be fabulous! And then we'll follow the presentation schedule as it appears on the blog. The only exception is that Benjamin Poyer will present on 10/2. 

We are going to have an amazing class. READ the book, and WRITE your paper. We want you prepared to share your thoughts on the freedoms we MUST pay attention to today, in order that we DO NOT LOSE THEM.

BENJAMIN - please talk to the other classmates you are planning our battle with, so we can put a date on our class calendar.

You guys rock. Keep up the awesome work!

See you Thursday!

-Teacher Kelly

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Books for Sale?

Teacher Genevieve left a few books with us that have not been picked up by the students who purchased them. They are books that would have been ordered through LEMI. If you still need to collect a book, check with your parents to see if one of these may be yours. Then please let me or Teacher Betty know and we will try to get it to you at our next class.

First Week - Recap and Assignments

Hey Everyone!

We had an amazing first day. We had a great discussion about the book we finished reading. For those that are still working on it, please finish. You will not be disappointed. It gives awesome insight into the freedoms we take for granted everyday in our nation.

You all are so intelligent, excited, eager, and great contributors to our class. What a treat to teach and learn together! Teacher Betty and I feel so lucky to get to have class with you every week. FYI...

Assignments for this week:

1 - Start reading "The Landing of the Pilgrims"

2 - Write an opinion paper on the following:  "What is your Responsibility to America and to Freedom?" Please bring a copy to give to me next class. Typed or written is great. If double-spaced even better so I can comment on your great ideas! Length doesn't matter. Your original musings do.

3 - Start researching the colony on which you chose to present. The list of colonies assigned is as follows:

     9/18 -   Teacher Betty - South Carolina     
     9/25 -   Benjamin - Virginia
     10/2 -   David - North Carolina
     10/9 -   Kaleigh - New York and New Jersey
     10/16 - Hannah - New Hampshire
     10/23 - Aspen - Massachusetts
     10/30 - Mary - Connecticut
     11/6 -   Archie - Delaware and Pennsylvania
     11/13 - Matthew - Rhode Island
     11/20 - Kenny - Georgia
     12/4 -   Adam - Maryland

Kaleigh and Archie both have two colonies assigned. If any colony assignments look wrong, please email me asap at, or you can feel free to call me as well. Teacher Betty will present first next class and give an example of how to prepare and what you might include. Remember, about 10-15 minutes is a great time frame for which to shoot. Also, don't be afraid to include food in your presentation. Because we love it.   ;)

Keep up the amazing studying, thinking, and writing. Call or email with any questions. Have a great week!